Nydalselva Kraftverk under construction
kraftverk .
Kjaernes commissioned
minikraftverk was started up on 4th dec. 2010.
K3 commissioned 4th jan 2010
3 power plant is trough the test period and is by now
handed over to
Kaupanger Energi AS.
A top modern HPP and a new invention related
to dam construction by use of shot-crete with good result.

Svatsum 2 commissioned
Svasum 2 hydropower plant at 1800 kW was commissioned on time
on budget om june 1st.
Heimseta MHP commissioned
Heimseta hydropower plant in Gloppen, Norway was successfully
commissioned and put into test operation on 22nd May 2008. For further information see Heimseta.

Ruhudji Hydropower Project
An agreement for mutual develoment of the project has been
agreed entailing Vi har fått en avtale om å planlegge, designe og bygge dette
spennende kraftverket på 13 MW i Tanzania samt mulighet til
en betydelig andel i et medeierskap.

The poer plant has a 1 km long headrace
channel dimmensioned for 40 m3/sec og and an apx. 200 m
penstock. The plant will likely get a vertical Kaplan turbine
with the following arrangement.
For more information, push ... here
Fonhus 1 mini hydro plant
was constructed on short time 6 months and was commissioned om 7.
April 2004. 
Digging of penstock in a 37 degree slope. This is about equal
to the slope of the huge ski jumping arenas. Read more ... here
Fonhus 2 mini hydro plant
is under planning and an application for concession is
currently being issued. The project will utilise the water
falls in the Liabekken located close to Fonhus 1. We have
executed an hydrological mitigation of the stream and hope to
continue with construction soon.

Hydrologic Mitigation dam (left)
Fonhus, Sor-Aurdal - 355m & 600kW

Stuttgongfossen, Vaga
24m & 1200kW

Heimseta in Gloppen - 49m & 1350kW

Kaupanger 3 in Sogndal
390m & 4800kW
Knutfoss in Grong - 61m & 5000 kW
Nydalselva in Skei -
720m & 5000 kW
Rud 1 in Sogndal