
updated 2013-april-24

Consulting Engineer 

org. no. 943 252 106 VAT

Planning, construction & operation (BOO) of small hydro plants 







About us

Rud dam and inntake as 3D animation

Rud power house as 3D animation


Guatemala (2013), Agreements for several hydro projects compricing about 75 MW are signed in Guatemala. The first project to be constructed is Tur'bala at 5 MW installed capacity and an estimated 32 GWh annual generation.  

Tanzania (2013);  Sofienlund has proposed rehabilitation of Mbalizi minihydro, that has been idle for some years now.  


Case histories of some selected power plants:

10 Nydalselva, 5000 kW

9 Knutfoss, 4850 kW

8 Kaupanger 3, 5000 kW 

7 Kjærnes, 630 kW

6 Svatsum 2, 1850 kW

5 Fremstedalen, 80 kW

4 Rud, 660 kW

3 Heimseta, 1000 kW

2 Stuttgongfossen, 1150 kW

1 Fønhus, 600 kW 




Sofienlund has applied for more than 80 smal hydro power projects in Norway at a total installed capacity of about 310 000 kW annual generation, of which 10 smal hydro plants are in operation. In addition a substantial engagement abroad. 

Below some selected project presentations. 

2013-03-22 - Nottveit 5000 kW  

Nottveit power plant at 5000 kW in preparation for construction. An underground plant with a 950 m long Ø1000 mm directional drilled penstock. 

Mofjorden and Nottveit farm locagted to the right 

Nottveit power plant as an underground plant wityh drilled penstock

2013-04-20 - Nore in Lesja to start works

Nore minihydro with its 340 m head has got a license for construction up to 1000 kW. A typical Pelton plant will be constructed in close cooperation with fresh water supply for Lesja municipality. 

Existing water intake at Nore

2012-04-01 - Nottveit old micro for rehabilitation to become a live museum

Nottveit old micro power plant was originally constructed in 1946 and was in operation on an isolated network until late 70's where it faced an accident where the waterway frose to ice and cracked. This plant is in fact almost complete except for the dam and penstock that is completely vanished. The plant will be rehabilitated to become a live museum. 

2011-10-26 Nydalselva commissioned 

Nydalselva with 600 m drom in an extreme terrain


Nydalselva power house during construction with premanoufactured insulated concrete elements from Førde betong AS. 

The tunnel drilling rig at Nydalselva  

Nydalselva power plant commissioned on 2011-10-26

Animasjon av turbinen på Rud med hhv gammel og ny teknologi

Arrangement i stasjon med 3D verktøy


Sofienlund - Rådgivende Ingeniør